Sunday, May 5, 2013

PLACES (with my Pseudonym ~ Juli)

View of Mayon Volcano, Albay province, Southeastern Luzon, Philippines, May 10. 1934
(from: John T Pilot's photostream)
Photographer: Robert Larimore Pendleton, 1890-1957

This image is from the original negative that is in the American Geographical Society Library of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee USA collections.

~ Admin Juli
— with Mathew Sumilang Palad.
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  • Ericka Rossi a perfect cone...
  • Burke Janet Bona Wow... still the same shape after so many eruption ha... amazing volcano!
  • Alfred N Tess Manuel beautiful..the place I would like to be...if there is any..
  • Marcela Rafanan In June of 1979...our office conducted a one -week -seminar for action officers in government .... held in Legaspi City, Albay, Bicol Region. We had the activity at the top floor of the VIP Hotel which was all glass from the floor to ceiling....... such that we had the full view of the Mayon Volcano yonder. From where we were.... up the place.... it seems that Mayon is only within reach. It has that magic... because wherever we went ... at any point of legaspi city... it seems that Mayon is within arms length... you can almost touch it.

    People there say that .....if before you leave the place Mayon Volcano had shown itself very clear sans the clouds around its top.... it is a promise that you will return to the place.

    So.... kailan kaya ako makakabalik duon ?

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